If you are going to be attending the University of British Columbia, you have an important decision to make. Should you live on campus, or should you try to find off-campus housing? As with any decision, there are a number of factors that come into to play. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of either decision.
When it comes to living on campus, the main draw seems to be able to be summed up in one word: fun. You're surrounded by your fellow students. There's always a party to go to; you'll be exposed to various fraternities and sororities. Of course there are also some convenience benefits. You can walk to all of your classes in a relatively short amount of time or go home in between classes, for example. Keep in mind that, fun can sometimes mean distractions. You need to be able to balance school work and hanging out with roommates and other students. Each University has its own campus rules in place to try and maintain an environment favorable for learning.
Chances are, you can check any campus site and find a blog article about how living on campus raises your GPA. Whether this is true or not is anybody's guess. The idea behind the claim is that the closer someone is to being immersed in the University experience, the more likely they are to stay focused on school work rather than being distracted by external factors.
Ultimately, your decision may come down to price, and this may fall in favor of living off campus. This is especially true when attending UBC, due to Vancouver’s competitive housing market. It’s not uncommon to find modest housing that is a reasonable distance from campus.
An option may be to start out living on campus, and then move to off campus housing once you have acclimate to the nuances of university life. If you do live off campus, be sure to keep your expenses under control, and choose a location close to the University so that you don't waste too much time commuting. Deciding where to live is a very personal choice; weigh the pros and cons to living on/off campus, and CHOOSE WISELY.
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